World Council for Health Stands for Bodily Autonomy and Medical Freedom

Recently in the United States, a Supreme Court draft document leaked indicating that the decision on protecting a woman’s access to abortion following the historic Roe v Wade case may soon be changing.

A leak of this nature is unprecedented and has inspired protests across the United States.

While the ruling has not yet changed, the World Council for Health (WCH) would like to take this opportunity to highlight the importance of bodily autonomy across all domains. 

Decisions on all health matters should be made between individuals and their healthcare providers, utilizing all available resources and information without interference or mandates from elected officials, governments, or other advisory or regulatory bodies. 

Healthcare directives should never be mandated because all people are unique and have a right to medical freedom. The World Council for Health regards all life as valuable and important. As such, responsible decisions should be made according to what is best for each unique individual. In partnership with their chosen health professionals, people are capable of making decisions that affect their health and well-being for themselves.

The World Council for Health stands for bodily autonomy and medical freedom. All people are deserving of the right to make their own choices when it comes to their individual, unique bodies and healthcare journeys, whether that be to undergo treatments, take medications or vaccines, access abortion services, or abstain from these things.

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