I’m a healthy, energetic 58 y/o woman in rural Oregon. My primary medical provider has been a naturopath for about 8 years. Initially I went to her when I was nearing menopause because I wanted a more holistic approach to healthcare and a doctor who would “think out of the box”. Over the years, she has helped me detect and therefore avoid food allergies, reducing my inflammation to levels to almost zero, and manage the symptoms of menopause with prescription bio-identical hormones that I take as a vaginal troche She takes blood tests to monitor my levels and works to get everything into a normal level, or high-normal level if beneficial. She is a meat-eater, so doesn’t 100% agree with my whole food plant-based way of eating, but keeps agreeing that my labs look great. My only health challenge is that I am a “super producer” of LDL in my liver, so even with a fantastic diet and an active lifestyle, I’ve never been able to get my total cholesterol under 200 to meet national guidelines…which she feels aren’t necessarily health-promoting as some cholesterol IS needed in the body…and we have tested me and know that my LDLs are the “fluffy” less damaging kind.
I am completely unwilling to take the experimental gene therapy shot, as since December 2020 I have felt a “check in the spirit” that it is “contamination”. According to the Bible, as a Christian my body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, and disciples of Christ are not to contaminate or defile the temple. I am already suffering the social consequences in terms of not being allowed to visit certain family members and having an employer who plans to require it by this fall. I will be applying for a declination exemption for religious reasons, and if approved, my employee file will clearly state that I am out of compliance with company requirements. Based on my health situation, my ND is not requiring the vaccine at this time, although she does sometimes recommend it for elderly clients. This spring I emailed her to inquire about getting HCQ and ivermectin for early-onset care if I did catch C19, She is familiar with the work of FLCCC and we are working to get me set up to be ready for the Early Outpatient Protocol, if ever needed.
Due to the challenges to physicians, naturopaths and other medical professionals in Oregon, and needing to protect her practice as other professionals are getting in trouble with the state for prescribing and promoting alternative treatments for COVID, she requested that I write an email to her that clearly states that I requested the IVM myself, that she did not counsel or direct me as to the effectiveness of this produce for COVID prevention or treatment, that she did not encourage me or discourage me from receiving this medicals as a treatment for any authorized vaccine, and that she will counsel me on potential side effects. I was happy to write this for my patient files, and I picked up my prescription yesterday.
Interestingly, my Rx is for 40 3 mg tablets, written to take 8 tablets by mouth once a day after a meal for 5 days, with one refill (I had hinted about wanting to have some for my husband). A friend got an online consultation through Medici and her Rx was for 25 3 mg tablets, written to take 5 tablets daily with a fatty meal, with no refill. Her daughter-in-law who is a veterinarian, felt my friend’s Rx was actually a little weak. I looked through the FLCCC Early Outpatient Protocol, and actually feel my Rx is a bit strong, as based on my weight, it looks like it should max out at 23 mg per day rather than 24.
It was interesting when I picked up the prescription at Fred Meyer. The pharmacist who came over to do my consultation looked at the box then me, then said “This is a pretty strong dose.” I didn’t say anything. Then he said “Why are you taking it?” I smiled and said “Parasites….and other pesky critters.” He looked like he wanted to ask me more, so I was ready with my cross necklace and was going to mention something about being a missionary. Smile.