Health Defence League

1. A voluntary association.
2. A structured and functional legal entity independent of its members.
3. Of a non-profit structure.
4. A grassroots network of free critical thinkers without conflicts of interest.
5. A community with financial, legal, and scientific resources.
6. A home for members with strong ethical principles, critical thinking abilities and inherent convictions for human freedoms and fundamental rights.
Membership will be by application and upon certain contributions on a regular basis. Membership will be three groups: 1. Active Member – A person or association who is actively involved with the HDL or who is prepared to contribute a minimum amount per month on a regular basis.
2. Supporter – A person who supports the HDL with a monthly amount but is not involved in any activity within the HDL.
3. Follower – A person who joins the HDL but is not actively involved or gives any financial support to the HDL. Depending on member profile, certain services and benefits will be available to members and will be developed and announced by the executive committee from time to time. The above is a summary of what the HDL will work for. The focus is not on politics, viral threats, medical interventions, or trials. The focus is on what all these do to human rights!

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