Deaths are increasing and both birth and fertility rates are decreasing. World Council for Health urgently calls for Covid vaccination to be suspended and for these serious matters properly investigated.
Unprecedented excess cardiac deaths
The British Heart Foundation recently expressed concern over an estimated 30,000 excess cardiac deaths[1] since the start of the pandemic. This unfortunate news followed an announcement from Scotland’s health board that they will launch an inquiry into a surge in neonatal deaths[2]. The alarming trend is echoed in the available statistical data from almost every western nation, where excess deaths in recent months have ranged from around 10-20%. Concerningly, these percentages may be higher in younger age groups[3].
As seen below, since 2020, excess deaths around the world far exceed what may be attributable to Covid-19, and all deaths, including those attributable to Covid-19, continue to rise.

Declining birth rates
In addition to excess mortality, many of the same countries are seeing a marked decline in birth rates. The birth rate in the UK[4], for example, is at its lowest rate in recorded history. In the Canadian province of British Columbia, the birth rate was its lowest in six years for 11 out of 12 months in 2022. Similar patterns of dramatically declining birth rates have been observed in Germany[5], Taiwan[6], Sweden[7], Hungary[8], Switzerland[9], and many others.
Total fertility rates drop in correlation to vaccine rollout
The decline in birth rates was not observed universally at the onset of the pandemic, though a few countries observed a small short-term decline in 2020. However, in a detailed analysis of recent German and Swedish data[10], a concerning pattern emerged. The total fertility rate (TFR) in Germany declined by about 14% and the TFR in Sweden dropped by about 10% nine months following vaccination. No correlation could be made between decreased TFR’s and changes in unemployment, Covid infection rates, or Covid-19 deaths.
Novel Covid-19 vaccines as a potential factor
World Council for Health notes that the novel Covid-19 injections are still on trial. However, the explanations offered, if any, by health care authorities and corporate media for these unprecedented and widespread trends are that the excess deaths and lower birth rates are attributable to Covid-19, delays in accessing healthcare, or a result of lockdown measures. With more data accessible to authorities than at any other time in history, two important questions demand answers:
- Do the data reflect these suppositions?
- Have the novel Covid-19 genetic injections, given to 5 billion men, women and children worldwide in this short span of time, been investigated as a possible causative agent of excess deaths and declining birth rates?
Without a widespread and thorough investigation, it is impossible to say definitively what is causing excess deaths in any given jurisdiction. With minimal resources being devoted to this alarming issue, people must rely on speculation and common sense. That said, it is reasonable to expect that the factors contributing to these deaths are numerous and may include:
- Factors relating to lockdown: breakdown in mental health, lost social connection, supply-chain disruption, job loss, income loss
- Factors relating to interruptions in healthcare: missed medical appointments, treatments, surgeries
- Factors relating to widespread distribution of novel Covid-19 vaccines
Covid-19 vaccination rate has been strongly correlated to excess mortality: the higher the rate of those considered ‘fully-vaccinated’, the higher the excess mortality rate. The least vaccinated country[11], Bulgaria, has the lowest excess mortality while Chile, which has given multiple boosters, has the highest excess mortality. These data are compelling and should not be ignored.
Halt the Covid-19 injection program
The World Council for Health stands with thousands of brave health care practitioners around the world calling for a halt to the Covid-19 vaccination program. A comprehensive independent investigation into the role of the novel Covid-19 injections in excess deaths and declining birth and fertility rates is now urgently needed.
[1] Gregory, A. ‘Needless’ deaths of 30,000 patients in England since Covid’, The Guardian, 3 November 2022
[2] Wilson, C. ‘Neonatal deaths investigated at Scots health board facing inquiry’, The Herald, 20 October 2022
[3] Baudin, Marine & Mercier, Jérémie. (2022). COVID-Period Mass Vaccination Campaign and Public Health Disaster in the USA From age/state-resolved all-cause mortality by time, age-resolved vaccine delivery by time, and socio-geo-economic data. 10.13140/RG.2.2.12688.28164.
[4] Macrotrends, U.K. Birth Rate 1950-2022, viewed 18 Nov 2022
[5] Swiss Policy Research, Analysen, Grafiken Covid-19, p.11 viewed 18 Nov 2022
[6] Dept. of Household Registration, M.O.I., Household registration statistics data analysis Oct 2022
[7] Statistics Sweden, Population Statistics 2019-2022 (month) and 1998 -2021 (year), viewed 18 Nov 2022
[8] Hungarian Central Statistical Office (2022) Live births by county and region, quarterly, cumulated data, viewed 18 Nov. 2022.
[9] Swiss Policy Research, Analysen, Grafiken Covid-19, p.2 viewed 18 Nov 2022
[10] Bujard, M., Andersson, G. (2022) ‘Fertility declines near the end of the COVID-19 pandemic: Evidence of the 2022 birth declines in Germany and Sweden’.
[11] Igor Chudov, (2022) ‘Association between Vaccines and Excess Mortality Getting Stronger’, viewed 18 Nov 2022