Dr. Kat Lindley Tells the FDA NO Covid-19 Vaccines for Kids

Dr. Kat Lindley, a board-certified family physician based in Texas and member of the World Council for Health Steering Committee, just spoke during the FDA’s June 15 Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee Meeting, telling the FDA no Covid-19 vaccines for kids.

The meeting was called to discuss Pfizer-BioNTech’s EUA request for children aged 6 months through 4 years.

Watch Dr. Lindley’s contribution to the meeting:

Good afternoon. I’m Dr. Kat Lindley, member of the Steering Committee of the World Council for Health.

I have no conflicts of interest.

CDC data from February show that about 74.2% of children have had covid already. Over 150 studies show that natural immunity is superior. 

The infection fatality rate under 5 years old is 0.1 in 100,000 — or one in a million. 

The risk of the shot in the already immune is higher than one in a million. Both Pfizer and Moderna expressly eliminated those that were naturally immune from their studies. They did this to avoid the hyperimmune response and possible death. 

Vaccinating the already immune puts them at serious risk for a hyperimmune response. That means you will be voting for some children to have a severe adverse reaction and possibly death if you vaccinate the already immune. This is bad medicine. There is zero reward, only risk. 

These vaccines are not medically necessary or clinically indicated.

VAERS show children aged birth to 18 who have been vaccinated with Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna’s vaccines have had severe life-threatening adverse reactions, such as myocarditis, Guillain-Barré Syndrome, seizures and more severe adverse reactions or death.

An article by House and all published May 22, 2022 in American Academy of Pediatrics (safety of c19 vaccinations in US children ages 5-11) shows:

  • Myocarditis 2.2 per million cases
  • Seizures 7.6 per million cases

I will share two cases seen by my colleagues.

Case #1:

14 yo male double vaccinated with Pfizer vaccine had recent hx of chest pain on exertion, initial echocardiogram and ECG normal, troponin 22,000 increasing to 48,000 in 6 hours. Cardiac MRI with gadolinium showed transmural enhancement consistent with myocarditis.

Case #2:

13 yo female first Pfizer dose last August had 1st seizure within 30 days, got a second vaccine in December had another seizure, had 3rd booster and now has 4-6 seizures a day. She was an active soccer player and a good student, now unable to play sports or attend class in person.

We have no long-term safety data in any of these studies. The risks clearly outweigh the benefits. The VAERS reports 28,312 deaths so far in all age groups.  When will we say this is enough?

What is the magic number that will make a cut off and stop pushing these vaccines? Is it 50,000, 100,000, a million.

When do we say we cannot give these to our children? Their recovery rate is over 99.9985%

These are healthy children. And the risk does outweigh the benefits.

These vaccines are not medically necessary or clinically indicated!!

Thank you for your time.

The full meeting can be found on the FDA’s YouTube channel.

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