WCH Australia Issues an Urgent Letter of Inquiry

WCH Australia Issues an Urgent Letter of Inquiry on Behalf of All Australians of the Highest Order

World Council for Health Australia shares Notices of Liability served on WHO key personnel with Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, Senators and Members of Parliament.

On the 6th May 2024, World Council for Health’s (WCH) Notices of Liability were served on WHO Key Personnel with respect to the WHO’s management, advice, information and recommendations as they pertained to ‘the COVID-19 pandemic’.

Subject: Notices of Liability on WHO Key Personnel

We are the World Council for Health Australia.

We are writing to you in relation to the World Health Organisation (WHO).

Our letter relates to:

a. Notices of Liability recently served on key WHO personnel with respect to the WHO’s management, advice, information and recommendations as they pertained to ‘the COVID-19 pandemic’ (see Schedule 1 to this letter).

b. There are 44 WHO Collaborating Centres and 25 Global Outbreak Alert Response Networks (GOARNS) within Australia which include AHPRA, Therapeutic Goods Administration, SA Health, NSW Ministry of Health and VicHealth are Collaborating Centres (see Schedule 2 to this letter). 

Given the nature of the Notices of Liability issued to the WHO and its close ties with organisations and institutions in Australia called Collaborating Centres:

a. What information from Australian people is being shared with the WHO?

b. Where are the funding sources for the Collaborating Centres and GOARNS coming from?

c. What arrangements and power does the WHO have in Australia’s Collaborating Centres and GOARNS?

d. What checks and balances are being undertaken to verify the validity of the information being provided by the WHO as it pertains to Australia?

e. What say did the WHO have in respect to Australia’s response to COVID-19 through the Collaborating Centers and GOARNs?

f. Will these issues including the involvement of the Collaborating Centers and GOARNs be the subject of a term in any future Royal Commission or inquiry?

Please find WCH Australia’s letter here and Notices of Liability

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